Supports in Employment (previously specialised supported employment)

Achieve your dreams, live your best life, employment is more than more than just a job !

When a young person with disability feels welcome, supported and empowered in their workplace, it can have significant positive effects on their self-esteem, confidence and sense of purpose.

S4E believe this is something that people of all abilities should be given the opportunity to experience.

S4E, Supports in Employment services provide meaningful employment supports both on and off the job for people with disability who may require supports to access mainstream job opportunities and keep a job.

S4E focus is to provide supports to make your work environment an enjoyable one.  We take nothing for granted.  We will ensure you are equipped with all the basics -  skills like learning to travel independently, establishing and maintaining positive workplace relationships, and being valued as part of a team.  We will equip you with professional skills in interacting with staff and co-workers, while meaningfully contributing towards a shared goal. 

S4E's Supports in Employment not only provide practical work placement and work skills, but also contribute to the development of personal and social skills, including but not limited to:

  • Participating in meaningful activity,
  • Improving confidence and self-esteem,
  • Gaining respectful and meaningful relationships
  • Enhancing communication, problem-solving and teamwork skills

S4E’s committed and passionate team provide each participant with individualised training, professional development and growth opportunities, to meet their individual needs that will assist them to achieve goals.

S4E pride themselves on their supportive, flexible and friendly culture, where our aim is to understand and encourage young people with disability to live their best life.